Joy in the menu vol.5

A good spa menu should contain at least 2 or 3 types of body scrub; one of them may quite likely be related to coffee which most of us loves and starts the day with.
Further, a coffee body scrub is very helpful to the skin since it has a cellulite reducer effect relying to its major ingredient "caffeine". The caffeine plays an important role in redistributing fat cells and annihilating small varicose veins by minifying blood vessels. Therefore, a skin exfoliation with the slimming and firming impact of this precious constituent energizes and freshens the body, as well.
Spa lovers..Let's expand our coffee pleasure with an enjoyable body scrub experience in +Sanda Spa of +Hilside Feeling Good with a special treatment named "Body Coffee Pure Bliss". This treatment comprises a massage with herbal oils besides the point of its "toxine purifier" action. Even I will purchase this deligthing treatment as a birthday gift for one of my best friends! :)



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